Too much pressure and how to deal

October 19, 2023
Too much pressure and how to deal

Hi! I'm Stella

As a speaker and executive coach, Stella Grizont works with over achievers who are seeking deeper career fulfillment and with organizations who are dedicated to elevating the well-being of their employees.
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What happens when you put a heavy weight on top of one egg? The egg cracks. But what happens when you take three eggs and put that same weight on top of the three eggs? They withstand the weight.

Watch this fantastic video of Dr. Tatiana Erukhimova, Texas A&M Physics Professor, conducting the experiment - she's so entertaining!

We're like the eggs. On our own,  under too much pressure, we will crack. Together, we can withstand more than is imaginable.

A few weeks ago, I wrote a newsletter about October 7th. I had been in shock and in despair. All I could offer was a reminder to stay together. In droves you all responded with such loving notes. It helped me immensely (I'm tearing up just thinking about it). You helped me withstand. Thank you for being there with me. 

Togetherness relieves pressure because it helps us metabolize stress in our bodies. Caring for each other makes us feel safe. On the flip side, isolation sends us further into fight or flight, spiking cortisol levels.

When you feel overwhelmed, plug back into your relationships (even if you're an introvert). Prioritize togetherness. That can look like:

  • Going into the office more often to be around others 
  • Turning on your camera if you're video conferencing
  • Checking-in to see how folks are feeling
  • Calling up a friend when you have a spare moment
  • Slowing down before jumping to conclusions 
  •  Ensuring texts and emails emit respect and kindness
  • Taking a moment to appreciate someone 

It’s not just our strong relationships that help fortify our resilience. In fact, weak social ties, people with whom we're not connected, matter just as much.
A recent study assessed the social interactions and happiness of over fifty thousand people and found that interacting with a more diverse set of relationship types predicts higher well-being. That means that positively interacting with a stranger, the grocery clerk, your kid's teacher, the new guy in accounting, or your Uber driver can make a difference in your pressure tolerance and boost your happiness. The people you don't think matter as much because you're not close, actually matter a lot. We need to experience both strong and weak ties and, ideally, in even amounts. Just like we need a variety of fruits, veggies, grains etc to stay healthy, we need a variety of social interactions to stay well.

As you go about today, what if you were to view every encounter as an opportunity for togetherness? What if when someone messes up, you think: maybe they're doing their best. Maybe there's more to the story?

Slow down to offer extra care, affection, or to listen.

We're all under a lot of pressure.  But when we connect, it becomes bearable. We're stronger than we can possibly imagine when we're together.

What I’ve been up to…

Speaking - whether it's in person on virtually, brings me a deep sense of togetherness. This month I've delivered The Work Happiness Method series to faculty and staff at Case Western Reserve University. Yesterday I gave a talk to the University of Pennsylvania. Next week I'll be speaking for Audible and then finishing off the month for Women in Cable Television. 

I'm also working on updating my website and preparing for this book launch (it's been a lot).

Every other moment is dedicated to my family - savoring laughter, pillow fights, and trying to get the kids to school and bed on time. 

Would you like me to speak at your organization?

I'd love to help elevate the resilience, wellbeing, engagement, and happiness of your staff. Please reach out if you're looking for a speaker. My book comes out in March and I'm creating some exciting bundles when you pre-order. 

Popular Keynotes and Workshops:

  • The Science of Happiness at Work: 3 Keys to Stay Engaged
  • How to Stay Sane, Resilient, and Positive in Uncertain Times
  • Organic Confidence: How to Stop Feeling Like an Imposter
  • How to Set Health Boundaries and Avoid Burnout


Let's explore what we can do together for your next offsite, conference, or webinar series. Book some time for us to talk at


If you are feeling dissatisfied, bored, miserable or just unenthusiastic about your work, it is not all your fault. But it is your responsibility to do something about it.

Packed with practical strategies and proven principles, The Work Happiness Method is a roll up your sleeves and figure things out yourself approach to love your work (and life). 

Why order the book now? Early sales indicate demand and can help determine the success of the book. Plus, I'm creating some exciting bonuses for those that pre-order (announcement coming soon!). Please save your receipt or take a picture of it.



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