Hating Your Job? Want To Be Happier At Work?

July 8, 2015
Hating Your Job? Want To Be Happier At Work?

Hi! I'm Stella

As a speaker and executive coach, Stella Grizont works with over achievers who are seeking deeper career fulfillment and with organizations who are dedicated to elevating the well-being of their employees.
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Are you feeling drained, bored, resentful, and/or grouchy because you spend most of your time at a place that doesn’t fulfill you or treat you the way you deserve?

Are you feeling checked out - even though checking out isn’t your style? Is this crummy situation beginning to affect your confidence, mood, relationships, and even your health? Unfortunately, you're not alone. The truth is that being unhappy at work is all too common. According to research...

  • 80% of workers aren't engaged in their work.
  • Only half of Americans said their organizations make them feel valued.
  • 1 out of 3 employees doesn't believe their employer is truthful.
  • 1 out of every 8 visits to the doctor is related to stress at work.

It doesn't have to be this way. Stop letting your bad job pervade the rest of your life. You can work happier and live better.  I know you can - because that's what I've been helping people do for 10+ years!

Too many of people are either waiting for something to change or are ready to quit in order to feel happier at work. But you have more control than you may think.

On August 19th at 5:30 PST/8:30 EST I'm doing a no-cost training to help those who are feeling stranded and stuck in their careers called, STOP HATING YOUR JOB and BE HAPPIER AT WORK NOW.

In this training I'll teach you:

  • Three CRITICAL questions you MUST ask yourself before making any big decisions
  • The hidden and not so hidden signs that you're sabotaging your happiness and career
  • How to instantly shift your mood and behaviors so you can be more motivated, focused, and positive
  • Why ignoring the source of your problems is the worst thing you can do
  • The fastest method for identifying where you are stuck and what needs to change
  • How to discover what's most important to you and will bring you true fulfillment
  • The five part strategy for loving your work (and why passion, alone, isn't enough!)

You’re too talented (even if you may be doubting it at this point) and life is too short to spend most of your day in a situation that you resent, or worse, that's beginning to impact your health, your relationships, and quality of life. Don't waste another breath complaining, another hour looking for a dream job, or another year just getting by. The work experience you desire, and life you want is available and waiting. Hope you love your job...but if not, join this training!In your corner,


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